Happy New Year! 

Now that we have enjoyed some eggnog, pecan pie and sipped on a few too many cocktails, it’s time to start thinking about how to nourish ourselves for 2019!

This year we are excited to offer a series of helpful nutrition tips featuring local holistic nutritionist, Anna Frumkin. 

Below are (3) tips that Anna recommends to get yourself back into the game for the new year!

#1: Anna, how do I start working out again?

Now you may be new to working out or maybe you decided to take time off during the holiday season. My biggest tip when it comes to getting back in the workout game is to use the power of your mind.

Now, before you think I am getting to “woo-woo”, hear me out for a moment. Our minds think in pictures, and the simple act of you visualizing how you will feel 15 minutes after a workout can really help get you motivated. An example could be “ I want to go to that yoga class”, visualize how much mental clarity and how refreshed you will feel after that workout.

Just doing this one thing can shift you completely. Another tip my nutrition clients love is to schedule in your workouts just as you would your doctor or dentist appointments. Part of creating a new habit is all about repetition and I want you to think of your workouts as brushing your teeth. Do not let your mind take over- just get that body moving!

Your brain + body will thank you, I promise! 🙂

2. Anna, how do I get in my #nourishing3?

At Nourish with Anna I teach my rockstar clients that in order for you to achieve their specific health + wellness goals, it is imperative that we have accountability, treat every individual uniquely since we all have different needs/ health ailments, as well as balance our blood sugar in order to increase our energy + feel satiated throughout the day.

To do this, we want to follow the #nourishing3™️ . This is a formula I came up with after working with clients. Make sure every plate consist of healthy fats, protein + complex carbohydrates.

Below are some examples to put on your plate (ratios are unique to every body type and to an individual’s specific goal).

1.-Protein ( aids in curbing sugar + simple carb cravings) 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man + 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman. Examples are: Chicken, fish, beef, lamb

2. -Healthy fats (Keep you feeling satiated) anywhere between 44 grams to 77 grams. Examples are: Avocado, Eggs, Fish, Chia Seeds

3. -Complex Carbohydrates (Complex carbs keep you full longer  + keep blood sugar levels steady) 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day. Examples are: Sweet Potato, Oats, Quinoa, your fav vegetables

3. Anna, how do I stop falling off the wagon?

This is a great question!

What I want you all to practice doing mentally is to STOP thinking of nourishing yourself and moving your body as being on or off any wagon.

Eating delicious nourishing foods and moving your body is a gift you give to yourself. It is ultimate self-care as well as the best health insurance you can give to your body.

Watch your self-talk the next couple of weeks. Instead of saying “ I should go to the gym”, replace it with “ I GET to move my body and feel stronger! Also, instead of saying “ healthy food is boring” start saying “ I LOVE nourishing my body with foods that taste delicious + are great for me! 🙂

Now, I know that starting on a path to wellness can be overwhelming.

This is why I have taken 20% off of all of my nutrition programs just for you! Learn how to eat for your unique body since nutrition is not one size fits all and everyone has different needs.

Whether you are looking to lose weight, heal digestive issues, or have a better relationship with food, I am here for you. Sign up for a complimentary call here to feel + look your best in 2019! 😉

Your Nutritionist,

Anna Frumkin N.C.